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male driver

Ready to get started? Let's Go!

Looking to share your trip and costs with others? Get ready to replace those posts to Facebook or Kijiji!

gobyRIDE is an easy, fast and trusted platform that makes it simple for passengers to book a carpool.

Drivers automatically earn points for creating an account with gobyRIDE, posting and completing trips, rating passengers and sharing to social media.

Just a few simple steps and you’ll be on your way!


Post a Trip

Include your origin, destination, schedule, number of available seats and the trip cost per seat.

You can factor in tolls and parking (if applicable) as other costs for sharing the trip cost.


gobyRIDE is a true carpooling platform so it’s all about trip cost sharing only. You are not allowed to make a profit through the gobyRIDE platform.

A to B location


Find Passengers

Search for passengers who have posted a Ride Request and invite them to join your trip.

Passengers can also find and review your posted trip and then send a Booking Request.

find passengers


Approving Booking Requests

Once you approve a passenger’s Booking Request, they will receive a notification that their seat has been confirmed.


Passengers are not charged right away when you approve their booking request. If using in-app payments, the passenger’s primary credit card gets charged 3 days (72 hours) prior to the scheduled trip departure time.



Enjoy your Trip

Pick up your passengers and enjoy the trip knowing that you have good company on the ride and your trip costs are shared.



Rate your Passengers

When the trip is over, it’s time to rate your passengers.

They will also be rating you, so be sure you follow the speed limit, have a clean car and make your passengers feel comfortable!

five star rating


Receive Payment

If using in-app payments, drivers will receive payment 3 days (72 hours) after successful trip completion.

payment options