gobyride logo in white


Ready to get started? Let's GO!

Find a driver going your way!

Carpool and split the costs!

Passengers automatically earn points for creating an account with gobyRIDE, posting and completing trips, rating drivers and sharing to social media.

female passenger reading a book

Just a few simple steps and you’ll be on your way!


Find Drivers

Enter your origin, destination and when you want to travel. The system will match you with trips that falls within your search queries.

When you find a driver you want to book with, send a Booking Request to join their trip.

You can message the driver through the app with any questions or comments.

find drivers


Post a Ride Request

If you don’t find any suitable trips during your search for drivers, you can choose to post a Ride Request and be alerted when a new posted trip matches your request details.

To create a Ride Request, just enter your origin, destination, when you want to travel and number of seats needed.


Drivers will also be able to search through ride request posts and invite you to join their trip. You can review their trip post and choose to join their trip or not.

A to B location


Ride Confirmation

When the driver approves your Booking Request, then you are confirmed on their trip!


If you want to cancel your confirmed booking, you have to do this 24 hours before the trip departure time, otherwise a 25% penalty fee will be charged on the total amount of the seat cost.



Pay for your Ride

If using in-app payments, your credit card will be charged 3 days (72 hours) prior to the scheduled trip departure time.

payment options


Enjoy your Trip

Meet your driver at the designated pick up location on time.

Enjoy the company of your gobyRIDE driver (and potentially other passengers!) knowing that everyone is sharing the trip costs.



Rate your Driver

When the trip is over, it’s time to rate your driver.

They will also be rating you, so be sure to be respectful of their car, schedule and rules. They’re sharing their car and driving for you!

five star rating